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Tips Menghafal

Berhubung bentar lagi kita mau ulangan umum......gue kasih tips untuk menghafal pelajaran yang dibaca.....sebenernya sih pelajaran itu bukan dihafal tapi dimengerti...yaaahhh whatever lah yang pasti ada yang perlu dihafal juga kan.... Berikut tips-nya...

 Untuk diketahui, manusia memiliki otak yang fungsinya terbagi tiga…Otak kiri yang berfungsi untuk menangani materi yang bersifat matematis, logis…..otak kanan yang menangani materi yang bersifat intuitive, spiritual, emosional…dan otak belakang yang menangani  masalah memory….

Kalau kita menghapal sebuah  mata pelajaran, termasuk rumus matematika, ilmu ukur sudut, logarithma, bahasa, sejarah dll, apa yang kita baca dan hapal, semuanya direkam oleh otak kiri dan disimpan didalam otak belakang yang berfungsi sebagai gudang memory atau semacam hard disknya computer….    <!–more–>

Pada saat kita mengerjakan dan menjawab soal ujian, kita akan memerintahkan otak kiri kita untuk membuka kembali rekaman pelajaran yang sudah disimpan di memory otak belakang…..

Disinilah letak kendalanya, menurut hasil penelitian pakar kemampuan otak manusia di Amerika Serikat, ternyata kemampuan otak kiri manusia normal dengan metoda standard, untuk membuka kembali semua yang direkam dan disimpan di otak belakang, maksimal hanya 20% saja….

Akibatnya, pada saat kita harus menjawab soal ujian, maksimal hanya 20% yang bisa dijawab sempurna, yang lainnya hanya kira kira saja/gambling…

Sekarang masalahnya adalah bagaimana caranya agar kemampuan otak kiri membuka kembali hasil rekaman yang tersimpan diotak belakang bisa meningkat sampai optimal, mendekati 100%….

Jawabnya adalah… kita harus memeras otak kiri kita agar bekerja sampai batas maksimal…,sangat lelah, agar otak kanan kita secara tomatis akan segera membantu tanpa kita perintahkan (memang juga kita tidak bisa perintahkan otak kanan bekerja, dia akan bekerja secara intuitive, bila keadaan sudah emergensi, darurat….)….

Mengapa harus dibantu otak kann?…Otak kanan mempunyai kemampuan mengakses semua hasil rekaman yang berada didalam otak belakang….Otak kananlah yang berfungsi dalam kecerdasan emosional dan kecerdasan spiritual…Otak kanan memiliki kemampuan radar dan pemancar yang frequensinya bisa berhubunan dengan frekuensi otak belakang dan alam semesta…Otak kananlah yang bisa mengakses kekuatan alam bawah sadar yang tersembunyi didalam otak belakang kita…

Sekarang bagaimana cara melatih otak kiri kita supaya bekerja keras dan sangat lelah mendekati titik optimal sehingga terpaksa otak kanan yang intuitive turun tangan menolong otak kanan?….

Caranya adalah sebagai berikut:

    * Baca dan hapalkan seluruh materi pelajaran yang akan diujikan berulang ulang sampai merasa sudah hafal betul….
    * Kemudian kalau merasa sudah hafal betul, tutup bukunya dan lakukan relaksasi dengan cara berbaring santai, tutup mata sambil mengatur nafas yang santai sekitar 30 menit saja….
    * Setelah tubuh dan otak sudah terasa dingin dan santai, ambil kertas dan fulpen….lalu kita tuliskan kembali semua yang kita hafalkan tadi diatas kertas, dengan menggunakan singkatan singkatan semacam jembatan keledai (contoh singkatan/jembatan keledai untuk Siapa apa, bilamana, dimana, bagaimana dan mengapa….jembatan keledainya adalah: Siabidibame…)…
    * Saya yakin, pertama kali melakukkan uji coba, maka anda hanya aka mampu menuliskan kembali apa yan anda hafal, sebanyak 20% secara baik…yang lainnya lupa lupa ingat/ragu ragu…
    * Lakukan terus berulang ulang uji coba ini untuk satu materi pelajaran yang diujikan, jangan pindah ke pelajaran lain dulu….
    * Setelah anda mampu mencapai hasil menulis kembali apa yang dibaca, dikeluarkan dari otak belakang anda/memory sebanyak 100% dan itu dilakukan sebanya 10 kali berturut turut dan hasilnya sama baiknya, ambilah kertas yang berisi tulisan singkatan mata pelajaran tersebut dan tempel didinding tempat anda belajar…
    * Setiap hari,minimal satu kali anda harus review hasil catatan yang ditempel tersebut dengan membuat copy catatan yang anda keluarkan dari otak, bukan diaca dari kertas berisi singkatan itu !!!
    * Demikianlah lakukan terus dengan seluruh mata pelajaran yang akan diujikan…
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The Departed

The Departed (must see!!!)

Di postingan kali ini saya akan membahas salah satu film bergenre mafia yang baru dirilis tahun 2006
yaitu >>> "The Departed" <<< Film ini disutradarai oleh Martin Scorsese yang terkenal dengan film "Goodfellas" yang juga meraih sukses yang sangat besar.. Aktor – aktornya tak lain adalah sodara ane gan !!!! Leonardo DiCaprio( Titanic) , Matt Damon (Saving Private Ryan) dan Jack Nicholson yang tentu sudah tidak asing lagi di kuping kita. Film ini menyuguhkan cerita yang fantastis dan akting yang memukau dengan alur yang maju-mundur. Walaupun masih tergolong film baru, namun film ini sudah menjadi salah satu film terbaik kategori mafia menyaingi The Godfather, Scarface, Goodfellas , dll. NAMUN, ada namunnya niiihhh…film ini akan terasa mirip sekali dengan film Infernal Affairs. Yupss.…memang film ini merupakan adaptasi dari film tersebut, jadi jangan heran kalo terkesan mirip. Sentuhan para aktor2 papan atas menjadi nilai tambah dalam film ini.
“Banyak bacot lu jek!!!! Ceritanya gemana??” 
Oke – oke !!! Selow atuh!!! 

Gini nih ceritanya… ………….Pada jaman dahulu kala, hiduplah sepasang……
"The Departed" bersetting di kotaa Boston Selatan, dimana polisi sedang menyelidiki kejahatan terencana yang dilakukan organisasi kejahatan. Seorang polisi muda yang ditutupi, Billy Costigan (Leonardo DiCaprio) ditugaskan untuk menyusup pada sindikat yang dipimpin Costello (Jack Nicholson). Begitu mendengar nama “Costigan”, polisi berinisiatif untuk menerjunkan Billy menjadi polisi yang memata-matai sindikat criminal dengan memanfaatkan nama “Costigan”.
Apa yang membuat nama “Costigan” begitu dikenal……??? Nonton filmnya aja dulu biar lebih seru… .

Ketika Billy dengan cepat mendapat kepercayaan Costello, Colin Sullivan (Matt Damon), seorang penjahat muda juga dijadikan sebagai polisi yang berfungsi sebagai mata-mata polisi untuk para sindikat. Ia mendapatkan jabatan di Kesatuan Khusus Investigasi.

Mereka masing-masing sibuk dengan peran gandanya, mengumpulkan informasi tentang rencana dan pelaksanaannya. Namun keadaan semakin jelas baik bagi penjahat maupun polisi bahwa ada kejanggalan diantara mereka, Billy dan Colin terancam tertangkap dan penyamarannya terbongkar. Mereka masing-masing berlomba mengungkap identitas lawan untuk menyelamatkan diri mereka masing-masing……
Akhir ceritanya sangat sulit ditebak, tapi tentu saja yang baik adalah pamenangnya….hahahaha

“Halah….taunya cuman gitu sinopsisnya. Gaje banget lagi…!!!!”
“Gue ga akan bocorin dong ceritanya, ga seru ntar nontonnya….zzzz”
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Guitar Pro 6 !!!! Update + Crack!!!!

Buat sobat yang ingin belajar gitar, gue saranin download nih software

Guitar Pro 6.0 ini merupakan versi terbaru dari guitar pro. Di versi yang ke 6 ini, banyak sekali hal baru yang dapat kita temui seperti tampilan nya yang lebih fresh, fitur, dan sampai proses aktivasi nya yang lumayan sulit, berbeda sekali dengan Guitar Pro 5.2 yang hanya perlu copy-paste serial aja.

Download guitar pro nya di SINI

Oke langsung aja cara aktivasinya :

1. Disable/matikan sementara Anti Virus anda (Tidak ada virus!! cuma Pacth sering disangka file virus oleh sebagian AV)

2. Instal 1st GP6 Installations sampai selesai (jangan instal RSE2 dulu) dan JANGAN DI LAUNCH/JALANKAN!!

3. Instal 1st GP6 Installations sampai selesai (jangan instal RSE2 dulu) dan JANGAN DI LAUNCH/JALANKAN!!

4. Copy GuitarPro.DAT ke folder >>> C:\Documents and Settings\Nama Komputer anda\Application Data\Guitar Pro 6 (UNTUK OS XP) atau C:\Users\Nama Komputer anda\Application Data\Roaming\Guitar Pro 6 (UNTUK OS VISTA/7)
note: jika folder Guitar Pro 6 tidak ada maka anda bisa membuat sendiri folder tersebut.

5. Klik 2x file reg.reg lalu ok

6. Copy Patch GP6 ke folder instalasi Guitar Pro 6 anda ( Agar lebih cepat mencarinya, klik kanan shortcut Guitar Pro 6 pilih properties lalu pilih find target dan copy patchnya disitu)
note: patch akan mengatakan "FILESIZE OK lalu PATCHING DONE". Jika munculnya nothing patched, maka ulangi instalasi dari awal!!

7. Hapus Patch GP6 dari folder (jika tidak juga tidak apa2,,cuma suka di bilang virus oleh AV jadi lebih baik di hapus)

8. Instal RSE2 (Klik 2x file soundbanks.GPBANK)

9. Restart Guitar Pro 6 (jika pada crack yg lain drum track tidak bisa dibuka, maka dengan crack ini anda bisa mengedit drum tracknya)
note: Cuma updater menu tidak bekerja!!jika menggunakan updater maka program akan crash dan close.

Download RSE nya :

Tambahan :
Buat yang belum berhasil menggunakan cara di atas, sekarang sudah ada keygen Guitar Pro 6 nya, lebih simple cara yang digunakan. Download Keygen Guitar Pro 6 di SINI
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Paul Gilbert - Hurry Up

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Profil Paul Gilbert

Paul Gilbert

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Paul Gilbert

Paul Gilbert live in Rome, 2008
Photo: Roberto Scorta
Background information
Born November 6, 1966 (1966-11-06) (age 43)
Carbondale, Illinois United States
Genres Instrumental rock, heavy metal, hard rock, power pop, neo-classical metal, speed metal, progressive metal
Instruments Guitar, Vocals, Bass, Keyboards, Percussion
Years active 1985–present
Labels Universal Japan, Shrapnel
Associated acts Mr. Big, Racer X, G3
Website Official website
Notable instruments
Ibanez PGM signature series, Ibanez Fireman
Paul Brandon Gilbert (born November 6, 1966 in Illinois, USA) is an American musician. He is well known for his guitar work with Racer X and Mr. Big, as well as many solo albums. He also joined Joe Satriani and John Petrucci on the 2007 G3 tour.
He has been voted number 4 on a list in GuitarOne magazine of the "Top 10 Greatest Guitar Shredders of All Time"[1], as well as a spot in Guitar World's 50 Fastest Guitarists of All Time list.[2]



[edit] Shrapnel Records

Around 1981-82 Paul first contacted Mike Varney, founder of Shrapnel Records, asking for a gig with Ozzy Osbourne. At the time Varney couldn't think why Osbourne would want a 15 year old guitarist, but after listening to his demo he changed his mind. They talked for the next 3 years, until Paul came to L.A for the GIT (Guitar Institute of Technology), and then was ready to record Racer X's debut album Street Lethal.

[edit] Racer X

Formed in Los Angeles in 1985, Racer X originally comprised Paul Gilbert (guitar), Juan Alderete (bass), Harry Gschoesser (drums) and Jeff Martin (vocals). They were heavily influenced by Judas Priest and Gilbert's playing was reminiscent of Yngwie Malmsteen, displaying fast-driven solos with extreme-level technique. Gschoesser was replaced by Scott Travis (later known for being the drummer for Judas Priest) in 1986, and Bruce Bouillet was added as a second guitar player. Bouillet was a very skilled player, as he had to play over Gilbert's always difficult and challenging phrases. Paul Gilbert gained recognition as one of the fastest guitar players in the world due to incredibly technical pieces like "Frenzy", "Scarified", "Y.R.O." and "Scit Scat Wah". Gilbert left Racer X in 1988. Racer X carried on for a short time with guitarist (and fellow GIT alum) Chris Arvin and vocalist Oni Logan (later of George Lynch's Lynch Mob) when singer Jeff Martin departed to play drums in Jake E. Lee's Badlands, in which he replaced Eric Singer who left to join Alice Cooper. Shortly thereafter, the members of the re-invented Racer X went their separate ways. The original band would eventually reform (although without Bruce Bouillet, who in-turn did produce the first reunion record).
Paul contacted the members of Racer X, and all agreed to return, with the exception of Bruce Bouillet. In mid-1999 the band recorded the album Technical Difficulties. Technical Difficulties went gold in Japan, and Racer X's new record label requested a follow-up. In late 2000, the band released another album, Superheroes. The record was mixed by former Racer X guitarist, Bruce Bouillet.
In order to further capitalize on their new-found success in Japan, Universal Japan requested that the band record a live show for another live CD and DVD. On May 25, 2001, the band played their first live performance in thirteen years to a sold-out crowd at the famed Whisky a Go Go in Los Angeles. The show was recorded for both audio and video, and in 2002, both the CD and DVD were released under the name Snowball of Doom.
In January 2002, in support of Superheroes and Snowball of Doom, Racer X toured Japan and Taiwan. The band performed these shows in their Superheroes costumes, and the final show, in Yokohama, was hastily recorded in two tracks on the sound board and was to be later released as Snowball of Doom 2. Later that year, Universal Japan pushed for another Racer X release. In October 2002, all four members of Racer X gathered at Gilbert's house in Las Vegas to record Getting Heavier, which was sold alongside Snowball of Doom 2 in a package deal. Although the album was a successful release in Japan, some fans were disappointed with the lighter tracks, which resembled a Paul Gilbert solo album more so than a traditional Racer X album.
Racer X performed at the 2009 NAMM show at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California. Andy Timmons and his band opened the show, followed by a solo set from Paul Gilbert, and finally Racer X. The Racer X lineup consists of Paul Gilbert, Scott Travis, Jeff Martin and John Alderete.[3]

[edit] Mr. Big

When Billy Sheehan left David Lee Roth's band in 1988, he joined with Paul Gilbert, who had left his former band, Racer X. They founded Mr. Big, with Pat Torpey on drums and singer Eric Martin. The band was initially a huge success in Japan, and became famous internationally in 1991, with the release of their second album, Lean Into It. This album featured the ballad "To Be With You", which received strong media play and reached #1 on the Billboard Hot 100.
Gilbert continued playing in Mr. Big until the late 1990s. He left the band in 1997 to pursue a solo career, and was replaced by Richie Kotzen. Mr. Big disbanded in 2002.
In June 2009, Paul Gilbert reunited with the rest of the original Mr. Big bandmembers for a reunion world tour.

[edit] Projects

Gilbert performing on March 2, 2007
In May 2003 he played on an only twice-performing project called Yellow Matter Custard, a Beatles cover band consisting of Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater), Neal Morse (ex-Spock's Beard), and Matt Bissonette. They took their name from a Beatles lyric in "I Am the Walrus": "Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dog's eye".
He rejoined Portnoy along with Dave LaRue and Daniel Gildenlöw for a Led Zeppelin tribute band called Hammer of the Gods in November 2003. The same year, he toured Japan with Linus Of Hollywood, TJ Helmerich, and Scot Coogan in support of his solo albums Burning Organ, Paul the Young Dude/The Best of Paul Gilbert, and Gilbert Hotel. In September 2005, he joined Portnoy, Sean Malone, and Jason McMaster in the Rush tribute band Cygnus and the Sea Monsters. In May 2006, he joined Portnoy, Gary Cherone, and Billy Sheehan to form Amazing Journey: A Tribute to The Who, playing three shows. The band (excluding Sheehan) destroyed their equipment after the show in homage.
He was also revealed to be the guest guitarist on the Neal Morse solo album, Sola Scriptura. In 2007, Paul Gilbert toured with Bruce Bouillet for promotion of his first instrumental album, Get Out of My Yard, which was released in 2006. Also joining him was his wife, Emi Gilbert, on keyboards. Paul Gilbert also joined Joe Satriani and John Petrucci in the 2007 G3 tour. This was the 5th North American G3 run and the 12th tour worldwide since its inception.
On January 23, 2008, Paul released an instrumental CD titled Silence Followed By A Deafening Roar. It was released in Europe on March 31, 2008, and in America on April 8, 2008. This is Paul's second instrumental album.[4]
On October 22, 2008, Paul released an album with vocalist Freddie Nelson entitled United States.[5] The collaboration has been described as a cross of Queen and Mr. Big.[6] They will be playing their first live shows in the first days of February 2009, with more dates to be announced.[7]
Paul with Racer X performed at the 2009 NAMM show at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California. Andy Timmons and his band opened the show, followed by a solo set from Gilbert, and finally Racer X. This Racer X lineup consisted of Gilbert, Scott Travis, Jeff Martin and John Alderete.[3]
Gilbert also joined George Lynch and Richie Kotzen on the Guitar Generation tour.[8]
Paul's appearance at the 2009 Tuska Open Air Metal Festival was cancelled.[9]
On June 30, 2010, Gilbert's new album Fuzz Universe will be released in Japan, with a release in America and Europe soon after.[10] It will be Paul's 3rd solo album being entirely instrumental.[11] A cover of Johnny Cash's "Leave That Junk Alone" will be featured as a Japanese bonus track.[12]

[edit] Influences and Style

Talking about his influences, Paul mentions many different artists, including: Randy Rhoads, Eddie Van Halen, Yngwie Malmsteen, Tony Iommi, Alex Lifeson, Jimmy Page, Robin Trower, Judas Priest, Akira Takasaki, Jimi Hendrix, Kiss, and The Ramones. Paul has stated many times that he was heavily influenced by his uncle Jimi Kidd who was instrumental in getting Paul interested in playing the guitar. He is also a great fan of The Beach Boys and The Beatles. He states on the Space Ship Live DVD that George Harrison is one of his favorite guitar players. Guitar World magazine declared him one of 50 of the world's fastest guitarists of all time, along with Buckethead, Eddie Van Halen, and Yngwie Malmsteen.
Gilbert composes music in a wide variety of styles including pop, rock, metal, blues, funk and european classical music, but is perhaps best known for his versatility and speed. He is noted in particular for his efficient picking and his tendency to pick a lot of notes rather than relying too heavily on legato for fast passages.

[edit] Instructor

Paul Gilbert wrote his own section of the British guitar magazine, Total Guitar, where he normally demonstrated guitar techniques in the magazine and accompanying CD. Even before that, he contributed instructional articles to Guitar Player Magazine in a late 1980s/early 1990s series entitled "Terrifying Guitar 101". His period of working with Total Guitar spanned thirty-one issues until the November 2006 issue. Paul also teaches at the Guitar Institute of Technology (GIT) regularly, and is also an "honorary dean" of the GIT division in Japan. Paul visits Japan, enjoying the lifestyle like his Shrapnel labelmate Marty Friedman, who still lives in Japan and speaks Japanese fluently. Gilbert is known for his instructional videos, one of which teaches students to "pull a rabbit out of the guitar". Gilbert now writes a column for Guitar World entitled "Shred Alert".[13]

[edit] Gear

Gilbert playing his signature guitar 2007
Paul Gilbert primarily uses his Ibanez PGM signature series guitars[14], identified by their unique painted sound holes. Although earlier PGM models featured the Ibanez Lo-Pro/Edge double locking tremolo system, many of his guitars (such as his main PGM300) have since been modified to accommodate a fixed bridge, hence the Ibanez PGM301 series. Along with his signature guitars, Gilbert often uses his sticker-covered "Dino" Ibanez RG750, in addition to a wide variety of Ibanez solidbody and semi-hollow electric guitars. Recently, Gilbert has been using Ibanez "Fireman" (a reversed-body Ibanez Iceman with single-coil pickups and an extra cutaway) guitars, which he designed himself.[15]
Regarding amplifiers, Gilbert used A/DA preamps(A/DA MP-1) and rack effects units early in his career prior to switching to Laney amplifiers. He praised the Laney amps as having "the best natural distorted sound of any tube amp ever heard".Template:Citation not needed Since the G3 2007 tour however, Gilbert stated that playing with Joe Satriani and John Petrucci inspired him to take a closer look at his own guitar sound. As a result of his search he found the Marshall Vintage Modern series. He currently uses the Marshall Vintage Modern 2266c combo amps. Paul uses Jim Dunlop Tortex picks, of which he prefers the orange (.60mm) picks.
Paul has been known to use the following effects:
  • Homebrew Electronics Bajo Mos
  • Homebrew Electronics Detox EQ
  • Tc electronics nova delay
  • Homebrew Electronics compressor retro
  • MXR phase 100
  • MXR Script phase 90
  • BOSS Digital Delay DD-3
  • Ibanez Airplane Flanger AF2
  • MXR Blue box
  • Homebrew Electronics THC chorus
  • Robert Keeley Nova Wah LE
  • Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Electric Mistress
  • Korg Pitchblack tuner or Boss Chromatic Tuner (depending which is more visible in stage lighting)
  • Majik Box Fuzz Universe (as of 2010)
  • Jim Dunlop 535Q Crybaby (as of 2010)
Paul also used a modified vintage A/DA Flanger from the 1980s (source: Berlin VIP session interview). You can hear it on tracks like 'Bucket of Rocks', and he also uses it on the 'Snowball of Doom' DVD. Paul stated the flanger had been modified. He uses it to change the pitch from high to low to create a sound similar to a dive bomb. Unfortunately, during Paul's 2008 European tour, his trusty A/DA Flanger broke. Thankfully, before the pedal broke, he and Ibanez collaborated to make a similar pedal, with both a regular flanger mode and a mode which can be set to create a close approximation of the A/DA pedal's sound, and the pedal has been released as the Ibanez Paul Gilbert AF-2 Airplane Flanger. He also uses the Psilocybe phaser and THC chorus pedals from Home Brew Electronics.
In the intro to "Get Out Of My Yard" Paul uses a Boss DD-3 Delay pedal to achieve the altered pitch looped effect at the beginning of the track. This was also demonstrated by Paul on the instructional DVD of the same name.
In 2009, Ibanez released a new PGM model, the Ibanez PGM401, which is rather different from most of Paul's previous models, with an ash body (most of his previous models were made of basswood, although his PGM800 guitar was made of lightweight ash (a similar but different wood than that used in the PGM401), Trifade Burst finish, Cosmo Black hardware and a regular headstock replacing the reversed one of the previous models. Also, rather than the DiMarzio PAF Pro, Tone Zone and Super Distortion pickups used in his previous models, the PGM401 comes with Paul's favorite humbucker model for the past five years, the DiMarzio Air Classic, arranged in a dual humbucker arrangement. Paul has stated that he had the bridge pickup moved 1 mm closer to the neck, which he said results in a warmer and thicker sound, particularly for the high notes he often uses in soloing. The F-holes are 3% smaller, to make the look more balanced with the pickup mounting rings. But perhaps the biggest difference from other current Ibanez guitar models, is that the PGM401 uses the old late-1980s neckjoint, which is thicker than the current neckjoints on other Ibanez guitars.[16]

[edit] Discography

[edit] Black Sheep

  • Trouble In The Streets (1985)

[edit] Racer X

[edit] Mr. Big

[edit] Solo Albums

[edit] Other appearances

  • Atomic Basement Tapes - Missing Lynx (1981)
  • Revelation - Darrell Mansfield Band (1985)
  • Pump It!' - Jeff Berlin (1986)
  • Out of the Sun - Joey Tafolla (1990)
  • Humanary Stew - A Tribute to Alice Cooper
  • Guitars That Rule the World (1992)
  • Smoke On The Water: A Tribute (1994)
  • Samad: Samad Lead Guitar on "Joget" and "Animo" (1994)
  • Jeffology: A Guitar Chronicle (1996)
  • Akira Takasaki - Wa (1996)
  • Merry Axemas - A Guitar Christmas (1997)
  • Mikazuki "In Rock" Sound Track, Guitar on tracks "Crescent Moon" & "Theme for Kazeo" (2000)
  • Becker 2001, Warmth in the Wilderness -A Tribute to Jason Becker(Guitar and vocals for Hawkin)
  • Hughes Turner Project - HTP (2002)
  • Battle Gear III: The Edge (played on "Charge and Discharge," "Morning View," and "The Machine of Rage" bonus tracks) (2003)
  • Kim Fox Return to Planet Earth (2003) Guitar on track 4
  • Guitar Wars (2003)
  • Return to the Planet Earth - Kim Fox (2003)
  • One Night in New York City - Yellow Matter Custard (2003) Available @
  • Mieze - Marco Minnemann (2004)
  • Five Feet...No Inches - Pintsize (2005)
  • Contraire de la chanson - Marco Minnemann (2006)
  • Light at the End of the Tunnel - War & Peace (2006) (with Richie Kotzen, John Norum, Jeff Pilson)
  • Two Nights In North America - Hammer of the Gods (2006) Available @
  • One Night in Chicago - Cygnus and the Sea Monsters (2006) Available @
  • Live with Sex Machineguns - Tokyo (2005)
  • One Night in New York City - Amazing Journey (2007) Available @
  • Spin The Bottle - An All Star Tribute To Kiss (guitars on "I Want You") (2004)
  • Numbers from the Beast - An All Star Tribute to Iron Maiden (guitars on "The Evil That Men Do") (2005)
  • Evil Lives: A True Metal Tribute to Black Sabbath (with Racer X on Track 4: "Children of the Grave") (2006)
  • The Fool - Jeff Martin solo album (2006)
  • Sola Scriptura - Neal Morse (2007)
  • G3 Tour (2007)
  • Guitar Hero Hero (Beating Guitar Hero Doesn't Make You Slash) - MC Lars (2008)
  • Bowling For Soup - Merry Flippin Christmas VOL 1 (I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause) (2009)

[edit] Videography

  • Intense Rock - Sequences & Techniques VHS version
  • Intense Rock II VHS version
  • Guitars from Mars Japanese DVD release
  • Guitars from Mars II Japanese DVD release
  • Terrifying Guitar Trip VHS version
  • Eleven Thousand Notes DVD
  • Guitar Wars DVD
  • Space Ship Live DVD (2005)
  • Complete Intense Rock DVD (2006)
  • Terrifying Guitar Trip DVD (2006)
  • Get Out Of My Yard Guitar Instructional DVD (2007)
  • Get Out Of My City Guitar Instructional DVD/VCD (2007)
  • One Night In New York City - Yellow Matter Custard (2003)
  • Two Nights In North America - Hammer Of The Gods (2006)
  • One Night In Chicago - Cygnus And The Sea Monsters (2006)
  • One Night In New York City - Amazing Journey (2007)
  • Silence Followed By A Deafening Roar Guitar Instructional DVD And Shred Annex (2008)
  • The Last Note of Freedom
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